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000-349 V2.35

000-349 V2.35

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000-349 Publisher's Description

Test 000-349 exam dumps Related certifications:

* IBM Certified Application Developer - WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.2
Section 1 - Architecture (11%)

1. Identify installation requirements in development and production environment
2. Describe the features and functions of WebSphere Transformation Extender component
3. Describe the flow of data through the mapping process
4. Identify the ways in which a WebSphere Transformation Extender map can be invoked
5. Evaluate design considerations

Section 2 - Describe the Data (24%)

1. Analyze complex data structures
2. Create a type tree using an importer
3. Use categories in a type tree
4. Define items [e.g. item attributes, restriction lists]
5. Define groups [e.g. implicit; explicit; ranges, component rules; partitioning; unordered, and choice groups ]
6. Define syntax characteristics [ e.g. fixed or variable: initiators, terminators, and delimiters]
7. Using data to differentiate record types
8. Apply component attributes [e.g. restart, identifier, and sized)
9. Interpret and handle type tree analysis errors

Section 3 - Create Transformations (28.5%)

1. Describe how WebSphereTransformation Extender validates data and creates output
2. Use XML as a source or target [e.g. XSD or type tree]
3. Create functional maps
4. Use indexing
5. Use casting functions
6. Use cross reference functions
7. Explain the relationship between executable map, functional map, and the run function
8. Use functions to restrict data passed to functional map
9. Illustrate the steps for mapping invalid data
10. Reference output objects
11. Demonstrate an understanding of argument binding
12. Design to take one input and create multiple outputs

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